Wednesday 26 November 2014

Holiday Concert - Frosty the Snowman

Our Holiday Concert song link is above. Parents, feel  free to sing along with your little ones! Please encourage your child to read the lyrics of the song while singing.  

Friday 21 November 2014

Different Kinds of Patterns

Students are learning that a pattern has a core that repeats. Seeing patterns involves recognizing repeating parts, predicting what comes next, and extending a pattern. Children in Kindergarten like to build and talk about AB patterns as well as more complex ones (AAB or ABC). We have been working on patterns that involve position, colour, size, shape, action, and sound. Children are learning to copy, create, and extend simple patterns using a variety of materials and actions. They are also learning to show the same pattern in different ways.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Exploring Movements

Kindergarten students used different learning materials in the classroom to explore movements. They used linking cubes and blocks to create spinning tops. They also used paper to build planes. They tried different sizes and different surfaces to spin their spinning tops and fly their planes. Children also demonstrated understanding of the different ways objects can move, and that force (a push or pull) applied to an object causes it to move.  During this inquiry, their conversation included the words:  fast, slow, back and forth,  and round and round.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Exploring Similar Materials And Creating New Objects

Students built their own boats using different materials such as foam and straws. To see if their boats would sink or float, the students decided to test them in a bin with some water. The students were very excited to observe that their boats could float!

We decided to build on the students' interest by using similar materials to yesterday's experiment. Using sponges of different shapes, straws and scissors, the children were challenged to make their own vehicles and structures. Students were very creative and made cars, bridges, boats and airplanes!

Investigating Ramps

Students built ramps using the blocks in the classroom. The children built high ramps to drive their vehicles off of because they noticed height makes the vehicles move faster. Students also incorporated nature objects to create different textured ramps in their building. 

Three-Letter Word Boards

Students are using a Three-Letter Word Board to practice spelling short vowel words. Children say the name of an object on the board, identify the beginning, middle, and end sound, and then build the word with the magnetic letters.

Welcome to our Classroom Blog!

We are very excited to be embarking on this new trend: blogging! This blog is meant as a communication tool for the families of our students. We will share with you the wonderful learning happening in our inquiry based, play centred Kindergarten classroom! We will also include important dates and special events for your reference. We hope this blog will be used as a learning tool as well, and we will offer suggestions for how you can support your child at home. 

On our blog, you will see pictures of a variety of activities from our learning centres. The pictures we post will not have any faces shown. If a student is in the picture, their face will be blurred out. We will include a description of the activity and the curriculum connection. Please share these pictures with your child to facilite discussion about what is happening at school. We will be posting weekly, so please visit often! Feel free to comment on posts! In order to comment, you will need to sign in with your Google account. If you don't have a Google account, you can create one.

Your Partners in Learning,
Mrs. O'Neill and Mrs. Chamseddine